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Almanac Planting Co

Lipstick Plant (Vine)

Lipstick Plant (Vine)

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Aeschynanthus radicans


Uses: Houseplant, patio plant, or outdoor plant (in approved tropical zones)

Benefits: Bright red flowers with dark bases resemble lipstick coming out of a tube. Non-toxic and perfect for areas that other plants may pose a risk to pets and children. Vining growth habit is great for hanging baskets or cascading out of pots. 

USDA Hardiness Zones: 10 - 12 (as an outdoor perennial) 

Sun: Partial shade to shade. Avoid strong, full sun. Bright indirect light is best when grown as a houseplant. 

Life Cycle: Perennial 

Mature Height: 5" (beyond this height branches will typically begin to hang)

Mature Width: 3' (branches may trail up to 16" from the base, but are easily kept shorter by trimming)

Bloom Season: Flowers freely


Showy evergreen foliage with striking red blooms! 

Aeschynanthus radicans, most commonly known as the Lipstick Plant, or the Lipstick Vine, is quickly becoming one of the most popular houseplants around; and for good reason! It's perfectly suited for baskets and pots, and is often seen beautifully cascading out of either. Additionally, it's easily kept short and small through trimming, if desired. 

Flowering brightly and freely, its blooms are nothing short of exceptional! There's no doubt as to how Lipstick Plant got its name, as they closely resemble bright red lipstick emerging from a dark tube

Most commonly used as a houseplant, it's also a wonderful tropical perennial when grown in approved zones. It makes a great patio plant, too! 

With its easy care requirements and hardiness, the Lipstick Plant is an ideal choice for any plant enthusiast.


Lipstick Plant Care

Aeschynanthus radicans is considered low-maintenance, and is typically quite easy to care for. 

It's a mildly heavy drinker, so be sure to give it water on a regular basis. Overwatering; however, will encourage root rot. 

Like most topicals, Lipstick Plant loves humidity! Misting is encouraged when growing in areas of low humidity (always mist with room temperature water). Humidifiers and pebble beds may be used to supplement humidity in dry locations.

When grown as a houseplant, Lipstick Plant likes lots of weak, indirect sun and does best in areas that receive extended periods of such light, like an eastern facing window or curtained southern window. 

Avoid placing this plant in areas that receive extended periods of strong, direct sunlight, which could cause leaf burn and damage flowers. 

Too little light will result in a lack of flower production, gangly stems, poor growth, and possible death.

It's best to keep this plant in temperatures above 55°F to ensure its beauty and the integrity of its growth; however the optimal temperature range of this plant is between 65°F and 85°F.

Aeschynanthus radicans should be fertilized on a regular basis between early spring and late fall, especially during periods of new growth. 

We suggest using a balanced liquid fertilizer (like a 20-20-20), our balanced slow release fertilizer (13-11-11), or a fish emulsion that has been diluted to 50% strength to decrease the potential of overfertilization/burning.

You may also use a fertilizer high in phosphorous (like a 10-30-20) to encourage/maintain blooming. 

We suggest soil that is loose, rich, and well-draining. Our potting soil is a great option for anyone repotting their Lipstick Plants.

A bushy and healthy plant can be also be encouraged by trimming or pinching new growth from the tips of the stems once they reach their desired length, which will signal the plant to sprout lower growth. 

Like most other plants, it's advised that any dead or dying stems and leaves be removed from the plant to keep it as healthy and sanitary as possible. Flowers should be removed as soon as they are finished.


What Size Lipstick Plants are for Sale Online?

The Aeschynanthus radicans that we sell online will ship in a greenhouse grade grow pot or hanging basket. Each plant will be appropriately sized for its pot. Please contact us with any specific questions.

How Large Do Lipstick Plants Grow?

The size of Aeschynanthus radicans at maturity is typically no larger than 5" high and 36" wide.

Additional Information

Common Names of Aeschynanthus radicans

  • Lipstick Plant

  • Lipstick Vine

Toxicity and Risks of Lipstick Plant

Aeschynanthus radicans is considered safe and nontoxic for both pets and people. 
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